How “Call To Actions” Tabs Can Make You More Money

Ever heard the term for every action there is always a reaction? The purpose of an action is to create some type of urgency for someone to do something. Imagine a ball flying right at you at 90 miles an hour, the natural reaction is to get out of the way or caught it or hit the ball so that it does not hit you. Now let’s apply that same method to websites and getting more people engaged on something that you want them to do.
First thing first, what is call to action?
A call to action is a tab or a button that someone can click on to visit a page, make a phone call, or download an item among other things. A call to action is great to use if you want to capture someone’s email so you could engage with him or her later on or connect with him or her later on.
Let’s take a look at some examples of call to actions,
Facebook Call To Action For Desktops

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